Open-Source Intelligence

Cutting-edge adversary tactics and techniques

Open-source intelligence refers to the research and analysis of data from publicly available sources to inform decision making and provide clarity and knowledge on areas of importance and interest.

The application of open-source intelligence applies to a wide variety of contexts. In the context of business and marketing, organisations can identify market needs, forces, and changes. By leveraging this intelligence – marketers can push the initiative to develop products and services that potential clients need or don’t yet recognise their need for it. This applies to both business-to-business and business-to-consumer contexts.

In the context of security, investigations can identify vulnerabilities with key stakeholders, public facing members of staff and their network of business partners, friends and family. To elaborate, an investigation can uncover how exposed they are social media, domains their email addresses have appeared in, and a plethora of other intelligence that may be used against them by attackers.

From working with law enforcement and the MoD, we have found that their defence practises can often fall into time restrictions and legal guidelines. Criminals rarely face these restrictions, and often evolve in their methodologies. Using extensive and up-to-date adversary techniques, we can thoroughly assess organisations for vulnerabilities.

A CDS Product: – Overt AI

Mastery of the Invisible Battlespace

Acquire precise, real-time, and recorded overviews of radio-frequency activity and its geolocation with offensive capabilities. Overt AI is an innovative, wideband, and high-fidelity radio-frequency detection and analysis system that incorporates machine learning artificial intelligence to detect and stop adversary activity, tactics, and techniques.

Overt AI